Tag: Post Grant Review
PTAB PRPS Day Three Filings: 2 IPRs and 1 CBM
The PTAB Patent Review Processing System (PRPS) showed postings of 3 more petitions today. One was an IPR Petitioned by Microsoft against U.S. Pat. 6,757,717, relating to a system for data access in a packet-switched network. Another was Idle Free Systems, Inc. petitioning for IPR of U.S. Pat. 7,591,303 relating to a vehicle air conditioning and heating…
More IPR Filings on Day 2
in America Invents Act, Broadest Reasonable Interpretation standard, claim challenges, Claim Construction, covered business methods, Ex Parte Prosecution, indefiniteness, inter partes review, Litigation, Patent Reform, patent-eligible subject matter, Phillips-type construction, Post Grant Review, PTAB, statutory subject matterIf you are monitoring adoption of post-issuance filings you may have noticed that five more IPR filings were filed on the second day of operation of the PTAB trials portal pursuant to the new IPR and CBM patent review options from the America Invents Act. The list of today’s filings is reproduced below: 4 IPRs…
PTAB Trial Portal has Eight First Day Filings: 3 CBM and 5 IPR
To kick off covered business method (CBM) and inter partes review (IPR) practice, there were eight post-issuance filings on the first day of the PTAB Trials electronic filing system: You can click on the image to expand it or just go to the PTAB website at http://ptabtrials.uspto.gov/ for more information. Since this first day of business…
PTO, PTAB and AIA History in the Making Today, September 16, 2012
Today the PTO received its first petitions for inter partes review (IPR) and covered business method patent review (CBM) pursuant to the America Invents Act (AIA). We are in a kind of second phase of implementation of the AIA that phases out inter partes reexamination and that makes IPR and CBM post-issuance reviews available for…